And the Oscar goes to…
Not me.
My dream of becoming an actress was shattered.
Growing up in Los Angeles, just south of Beverly Hills, I was surrounded by the glamour of Hollywood. You’d always see stars in the local restaurants, on the streets and in Whole Foods and then there were the mansions, the palm trees, and Rodeo Drive (just like in the movie, Pretty Woman). And it was all very glamourous. But, there was no more exciting time, than the Oscars. The hair, the make up, the gowns! I loved the glamour of the red carpet. I wanted to be on it.
So, I took an acting class, and I auditioned for a dinner theater venue. That was it. It was over. I knew I was not going to be an actress. It didn’t feel right to me. I had spent my childhood trying to be someone I was not-to please my parents, and I didn’t want to do that any more. I wanted to find my own voice and express it. And that’s why I became a writer, and then a songwriter, and then an author and book coach.
I got to go to the Grammys, and I even got a Grammy nomination; that was my jam. Doing something I loved and being rewarded for it! Then, becoming a multiple #1 bestselling author and award-winning coach. Not the ride I originally hoped for, but the one that suited me. No regrets.
But, I never gave up the love of movies, the glamour, and the appreciation of great acting and great movies. And my husband, Christen, was a well-respected but starving actor for about ten years himself. So, we always watch all the award show-even when we haven’t seen all the movies and the Oscars is the BIG ONE!
We marvel at how great actors strive to do their best, work hard, and sacrifice for their art. It always makes us laugh when we hear the phrase “Hollywood Elite”. Most actors work for years as waiters and bartenders, taking odd jobs, and small parts, hoping that one day they will get noticed. And for some, it takes decades before they are an overnight success. And for others, the dream ends without ever taking hold. But, still, they keep going because they love it. They live for it. And life would not be worth living without it.
These are the same qualities that drove me as a songwriter, an author , and a coach, and it’s what you need to succeed no matter what field you are in. Dedication, persistence, hard work, and the love of what you do. And if you don’t, you are in the wrong line of work. So do what you love, strive for YOUR “Oscar”, and enjoy the ride!