Finding the Courage To Crush It!
At the beginning of the year, I participated in Brendon Burchard’s Transformation-Week challenge. On the last day, he and his wife talked about committing to what you do, and then having patience with yourself. Otherwise, you’ll bail when things become difficult.
Maybe that’s why some people never finish their books, because they don’t commit fully. Or, they let their fear be bigger than their desire to finish it; they don’t want to be uncomfortable and persist.
Or, if you work with clients, it’s the same deal. You have to fully commit
to their projects, their dreams and desires. I had a client who wanted me to take a percentage of his book because he wanted me to “have skin in the game”.
I told him, I always have skin in the game. If I work with a client, I give 110% percent because it’s my reputation. And if they are doing a #1 book launch, it’s my record that is on the line every single time. (We have 100% rate doing them, so I have a lot at stake.)
But, sometimes, you’re asked to do something you haven’t done, and then you have to weigh, how committed are you to following through? Do you believe you can do it? Are you will to do what it takes if you run into a roadblock or blocks?
Here’s a situation where I had to find the courage to take on something new. Even though I had been coaching authors on publishing their books on Amazon since 2012, I had never published a book before for someone where they handed it to me and asked me to do it all for them.
So, when Stephen Chatterton came to me and asked me to do just that, I was hesitant. Then I thought of something Richard Branson said. “If someone offers you an amazing opportunity but you are not sure you can do it, say yes-then learn how to do it later…”So I did. And this is what Stephen said about his experience:
”Thank you Ellen for being a true leader in the publishing and editing world. Your attention to detail and design of my first book proved that a dream of mine has become a reality. You are a true gem and a pleasure to have worked with you on this project.
If you want quality publishing and editing, Ellen Violette is your “GO TO PERSON”.
As a motivational speaker, national trainer in the fields of Network Marketing and IRS Self Employed Tax Specialist, I needed a high-level publisher who could take my writing project to the next level…From Feasibility to Completion,
Ellen made my book possible.”
Stephen T. Chatterton
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly Of RideSharing.
National Trainer: GSGS TAX SEMINARS
It’s always scary to do something you haven’t done before. But, you have to find the courage to take risks, take the leap of faith, believe in yourself, and go for it. Does it always work out? NO. But, do it anyway. Because it will either work out or you’ll learn something. Commit, have courage, and keep moving. That’s how you will grow your business and reach your dreams.