Four Keys to Fast & Easy Book Writing (Part 1)
Too many authors make book writing a lot harder than it has to be, which got me thinking about why some people have a much easier time than others. And, this is what I believe makes the difference.
There are four keys to fast and easy book writing:
1. Motivation
2. Picking the right topic
3. Picking a system for creating your book
4. Staying Focused
In this article, I’ll focus on motivation and picking the right topic.
1.Find your Motivation.
Motivation is essential. Without it, you’d never get off the couch! To motivate yourself, you have to first pick a goal that excites you and that you know will add value to your business and your life. Otherwise, why would you do it? And while I can’t tell you what that is for you specifically, I can tell you that writing a book has never been more essential to a successful business, which I hope is enough motivation in itself, but just in case, read on…
Books are an easy, low-cost way to attract your ideal clients. And as we all know, they give you instant credibility. But, they also give you passive income. And who doesn’t want to do the work once and get paid over and over again? Plus, get this, I was recently on a webinar training where the guy was sending cold traffic to his book and upselling people to an information product on the same topic (total cost under $100), and he made over one-million dollars!
But, there’s usually an even bigger motivation, your why? Maybe it’s to buy a better home, take some cool vacations, put your kids through college, take care of aging parents, or have more time to enjoy your golden years. It’s different for each person, but it’s essential that you find yours and remind yourself daily why you want to be a #1 bestselling author and entrepreneurial rockstar!
2. Pick the Right Topic.
One of the most common questions authors ask me is “What topic will make me a lot of money?” That’s the wrong question. The right question is, “What am I passionate about, and what skills do I have that I can use to write a profitable book that will help my business?” Where these two things overlap is a great place to start.
Then look at what problems you can solve for people with your passion and skill. (And if you have the passion, but not the skill, you can get the skill, that’s what I did.) Also, if you aren’t sure, don’t worry about it, look for a target market, and find out what problems they need solved that you could be passionate about. It may trigger something that you can supply. In my case, I had a need to find an ebook coach and there weren’t any, so I set out to become the very first one.
So, figure out what will motivate you to stay on track, what you’re passionate about and what problems you can solve for a market that wants what you have to offer, and you’re halfway there. In Part 2, we’ll cover picking a system for creating your book, and staying focused.