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How To Find The Best Topic For Your Book to Grow Your Business, Make A Bigger Impact, & Make More Money
“I don’t know what to write about, help!” is a common theme when I talk to experts and non-experts alike who want to write a book but keep putting it off. And while it’s easier to understand from someone is just starting out, it’s sometimes surprising to hear from an established expert until you understand that their focus is on helping their clients and that they have been in coaching or in a practice for so long that it is automatic for them to do what they do to get the results for their clients, but they don’t understand how that relates to writing a book.
In addition, they don’t connect the idea of writing a book with what they want that book to do for their business. But, once you understand that writing a non-fiction book should not only solve a problem that your ideal clients have, are hungry for, and can’t wait to solve, but it’s also a lead generator for your business, it’s easier to understand.
The key to figuring out what you should write about is therefore twofold. 1. Solve a problem your ideal clients want solved and 2. Figure out what you want your readers to do once they have read your book. In other words, what is the next step you want them to take with you, whether it’s getting on your email list, getting to a group that you…