How to Write Consistently and FINISH your Book!
In the Books Open Doors Facebook group, ( I ask new members to share their number-one challenge. One of my recent new members said it was “Creating the space in my life to write consistently and FINISH my book.” In this article, I answer that question.
If you want to write consistently, you have to establish the habit of writing consistently. But before you can write consistently you have to have the motivation to do it. So, the first thing I would ask myself, is “WHY do I want to finish my book?” “ What will it do for me?” And then, “How do I feel about that?”
You might feel trepidation for some reason and that’s why you aren’t writing consistently. I have had clients who were afraid their book wasn’t good enough and it would get bad reviews. I’ve also had clients who are afraid of how their lives would change if their book was successful. And some are afraid of both! I also have a mentor who wrote 90% of his book and then it took him almost a decade to finish the other 10% because he didn’t “see himself as an author”. So, you have to know how you feel about it.
Once you know that, you have to have the courage to move forward anyway. It’s not about not having fear, we all have fear of the unknown and you’re doing something you’ve never done before so that makes sense. But…