I Gave Up, But This Saved Me…
I recently had dental surgery, and I was feeling some pressure on the site
where the tooth had been pulled, so I went back to the dentist the following
week. He said that some food had gotten stuck in there and that was what was causing the problem and to use a syringe to clean it out once or twice a day.
So, that night I boiled some water, added some cold water to make it warm and tried to inject it into the site. But, the syringe was very tight, and I was having a hard time pushing the water through it. I gave it one big
thrust and the syringe careened right into my gum causing excruciating pain. So, I just gave up.
A couple days later, my husband, Christen, asked me if I was using the syringe and cleaning out the site, and I confessed sheepishly that I had stopped because I injured myself.
He offered to do it for me. So that night, we set the syringe up again and he flushed out the site. While doing it, he remarked that it was tight and not easy to do, and he could see why I had such a hard time.
I was grateful that he understood why I had stopped, but I was even more grateful that he followed up with me and was able to offer
assistance because I did not want the gums to get infected. And then, I realized that I should have asked for help right away
and not just given up.
The same is true in business. If something isn’t working, reach out and get help. Don’t give up because you can’t do it yourself. You’ll never move
forward that way. And I promise you the cost of not getting help is a lot higher than getting it.