If You Think You Can’t Write A Book Because You Aren’t An Expert At Anything, Think Again! (Part 1)

Ellen Violette
3 min readJul 7, 2019


I can’t tell you how many times someone comes to me and says “I want to write an ebook, but I’m not an expert at anything.” And then they go on to tell me all the accomplishments and successes that they’ve had in their lives! One student of mine even had an MBA in her field and thought she wasn’t an expert!

But, even if you don’t have an MBA, I guarantee you, you are an expert at something, and probably at more than one thing if you’ve been on the planet for a while. The problem is most people don’t realize what they are expert at. They think that because they do something well, it’s not valuable. But, not everybody has the same skills and can do the same things well. And that means people will pay for you to teach them how to do what comes easily to you that is hard for them.

The key is to figure out what that is. You want to focus on an area of expertise that you are passionate about, as well as, skilled in because if you aren’t passionate you won’t enjoy it, and if you don’t enjoy it, you won’t stick with it.

So, what I suggest you do to get started is make a list of everything you are good at, and then a list of everything you are passionate about. Sometimes, the answer is staring you in the face. Other times, you have to dig deep to figure out your expertise.

But, the truth is even kids can be experts! Let me give you an example. Let’s say that your child sells lemonade from a stand. But let’s say he or she sells a lot of lemonade and makes $100 every weekend doing that. They could write a book on how to make an extra $100 a week selling lemonade!

Let’s say you’ve got a teenager who’s good at counseling other teens on how to deal with their parents. They could write a book about that.

Or you, who has a lot more experience than a child or a teenager, I can guarantee you there are many things you are an expert at. Think about every area of your life and create lists of what you might be an expert. I’ve listed some areas below in which you might excel.

• Health

• Business

• Love Relationships

• Money Relationship/Finance

• Family

  • Special talents: belly dancing, music, yoga, for example.

In tomorrow’s article, I’ll give you the next steps to figuring out what you’re an expert at what you could write a book about. But, before I do, be sure to go through the list above and make your list. Nothing happens until you take action. Let’s do this!



Ellen Violette
Ellen Violette

Written by Ellen Violette

Book coach/strategist, multiple #1 bestselling author, podcaster for inspirational speakers and visionaries. Grammy-nominated.http://www.booksopendoors.com

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