The Hidden Benefits of Amazon Promotions
When you promote your book on Amazon, three things happen if you do it correctly:
- You become a #1 bestselling author
- You get a lot of exposure
- You put a lot of positive energy into the universe,
And these three results increase your credibility and expert status, increase the impact you can make in the world, and open doors to a myriad of opportunities!
Amazon promotions are one of my favorite strategies to use because they only take a day or two to start seeing results, they don’t take a lot of technical skill, they are repeatable, they are easy to do once you know how, and powerful because you can get massive exposure right out of the gate whether you’re a newbie or a savvy author.
Of course, if you’re established, you can get even more exposure with a large email list and/or relationships that you have cultivated with influencers along the way. But becoming a bestselling author, especially if you get it to #1, increases your credibility and expert status and produces results!
Bestseller Promotion Rules
The free promotions can run from one to five days, they don’t have to run consecutively, and you can use all five days or any of your free days every 90 days as long you give Amazon an exclusive during that time.
There are two advantages of starting with a free launch. 1) providing value for free to your potential buyers of other products and services while creating urgency at the same time (as this offer can only last from one to five days) and 2) there is a cottage industry that has grown up around these launches. There are over 100 announcement sites as well as Facebook and LinkedIn groups and other social media that will advertise your free book promotion at no cost. So, any author can reach a large audience within these parameters set by Amazon.
And when Amazon sees that people are buying your book and giving it great reviews, Amazon will promote your book for you, which gets it in front of an even bigger audience. And if it gets on the #1 new release list, that can also bring in more sales and more exposure because potential buyers often go to that list to see what they want to purchase.
Now many people downplay the important of becoming a #1 bestselling author because it may only last an hour or two. (However, with the right promotion, it can stay a lot longer.) But there is the adrenalin rush watching your book go to #1, and the instant gratification, which not only feels awesome, but can boost your confidence, but that’s just the beginning! The truth is that it can be a stepping stone to much bigger opportunities that can absolutely transform your business and your life!
Here are just a few of the many examples some of my authors and I have received from become #1 Amazon bestselling authors:
Dennis G. Shaver’s book, The Entrepreneurial Incubator, Secrets to Getting Your Invention from Mind to Market, has been on the bestseller list since October of 2016, which keeps it in front of his audience making sales on a regular basis!
Soon after we launched it, Dennis created an online summit. He said that having the book gave him the confidence to reach out to influencers who all agreed to present at his event.
Then, it captured the attention of Shark Tank’s Kevin Harrington at a conference Dennis attended, and Kevin was so impressed with it, he decided to mentor Dennis. Next, Dennis got asked to speak at a live event in Singapore, fulfilling a lifetime dream! You can hear more about some of his experiences at:
Gerri Chambers, author of Bossy, 8 Steps to Take You From Paycheck To Prosperity™ with a Home-Based Business, landed on the Top 30 Entrepreneurs to Follow on Twitter because a publicist saw the book on Twitter, loved it, and took her on as a client at no cost. Then, he promoted her to the tune of over 230,000 followers! That’s a lot of influence!
Jackie Ruka, author of Get Happy and Create a Kick-Butt Life! A Creative Toolbox to Rapidly Activate the Life You Desire, was featured in the Sunday Lifestyle section front page of the San Diego Tribune immediately after we launched her book to #1!
Most recently, three years after the release of her book, she was asked to be interviewed for the Mind, Body, Soul edition of another magazine and attracted a photographer and writer who want to market her now. Jackie shared “You just never know who is going to want your expertise and when. And as a bestselling author, it gives you instant expert factor and credibility!”
Andrew Rey, whose book, Entrepreneurial Money Secrets, Unlock the Power of Corporate Credit to Leverage Access to Business Capital became a #1 bestseller in six categories, told me that he had been trying to reach a big potential client for weeks to no avail, but once that person saw that Andrew was a #1 bestselling author, he returned Andrew’s call!
I have also gotten many opportunities from my promotions. I have gotten two of my books on the #1 New Release List, which helped me sell a lot of books very quickly, and I also got offered a publishing deal on one of them, a deal which is still in the works as of this writing.
I also had been talking about doing a joint venture off and on for years with a colleague, but it never materialized until after one of my book launches. At that point, she emailed me and asked me to set up a call on how her followers could become a #1 Amazon Bestseller; we made $1,600 for an hour of work!
I could go on and on with amazing stories of opportunities that my clients and I have received, but I think it’s clear, the exposure and opportunities you get from Amazon promotions are well worth your time!
The Law of Attraction
And there is another benefit as well that most authors aren’t aware of-what happens energetically when you do an Amazon promotion. It sets you up to receive the benefits of the law of attraction. You attract opportunities to you that sometimes come from completely unrelated sources. In other words, someone may not even know that you are promoting a book on Amazon at the moment, but they are impressed to contact you right to do business with you or refer business to you at the time because you put out the energy!
So, if you want all the benefits that Amazon has to offer, be sure to use their promotional tools as part of your overall business strategy!