Why Do Some People Make A Lot Of Money While Others Hardly Make Any Doing The Same Work?
One of my colleagues posed this question in a Facebook Post, and as I started to respond, I realized that I had a lot to say on the subject. So, I decided to turn it into a two-part article.
If you missed Part 1, you can read it at: https://booksbusinessabundance.com/make-money-or-not/
There is also another factor that people who are solely motivated by money don’t understand. Not everyone is motivated by money. One of my Facebook friends is living his dream, he makes $100,000 a month, lives in a high-rise in one of the nicest cities in America where it is expensive to live and drives a Bentley, his dream car. That’s what he wanted. Now he wants to make a million dollars a month.
I, on the other hand, just made my marketing plan for next year and nowhere did I mention how much money I want to make. That’s not to say that I don’t want to make money. I do, but I want to make money doing what I enjoy doing and that is more important to me so that is what I strategized on in my plan.
Now many people would say that the wrong way to do it and don’t get me wrong, I live in the same city as my friend and I want enough money to continue living here or another expensive city of my choice. (I have a couple in mind.) But my dream is not AS MUCH about making money as it is about pursuing my passion and having the freedom to live life the way I want, to make a bigger impact in the world and have my life make a difference, and I don’t need a billion dollars to do that.
And I’m not alone. This is especially true for creative people. I know someone who is a brilliant artist and someone else who is a brilliant photographer, and they both struggle to make money with their art, so they both have online businesses, but they are not very successful, at least not yet, because they haven’t found the balance they need between having the time and freedom to create their art and to run their businesses, nor do they really have a burning desire to run a business.
But I also have two colleagues who were rock musicians, and they have both succeeded in business. One became a coach and speaker and found he got the same high from it that he got from music, and it was a lot more lucrative for him, so he switched careers and never looked back. The other has found a way to combine his motivational speaking with his rapping and loves his life as well.
The bottom line is that we are all different. We all start at a different place, have different backgrounds, role models, motivation and desires, and we aren’t all wired the same way. But, I think all would agree that each of us wants to find our happy place and live a life where our business supports our lifestyle and where we can enjoy life and make money living it.