Why Writing a Great Title is More Important than Writing a Great Book
Writing a great title is a MUST in order to sell books.
Most people put all their energy into writing a book and very little into coming up with a great title. But if people don’t like your title, they aren’t going to ever look inside your book, let alone buy it and read it!
And this is even more true for women than men. Women look that the title first, while men look at the cover first, and then the title.
Plus, publishers will tell you that they would rather publish a good book with a great title than a great book with a bad title for that reason.
And writing a great title can help you to write a better book than you may have written if you didn’t have one!
So, you can’t afford to get it wrong.You need a title that stands out from the crowd and captures your audience’s attention.
That’s why Perry Marshall, a well-respected Internet Marketer, said (when I interviewed him) that if people spent one-third of their time on writing a great title and two-thirds on writing their book instead of 99% of their time on the book, they would sell a lot more books!
And Roger Parker, author of “Looking Good In Print” said that when he wrote his book, there was another book on the same topic that he felt was better but had a dry technical title; Roger’s book sells a lot better simply because his title is better!
Writing a catchy or intriguing title can go a long way to selling more books, but also including the benefit of the book in your title can make for a powerful title. For instance; The 4-Hour Work Week lets people know that they are going to learn how to get their work done in just 4 hours a week and who doesn’t want that? It’s very enticing and has made Tim Ferris very rich!
By the way, his original title was The Vagabond Millionaire, which he chose because that was what he wanted to be. But when he tested it, no one wanted to buy it. The 4-Hour Work Week won hands down and proved to be the best choice!
Or, “The One-Minute Manager” If you were a manager wouldn’t you like to know how you could get your job done in just ONE minute?
Titles matter! Write a great title and your books will sell.
So, don’t wait until you are finished with your book to think about your title, and then just slap one on. Give it careful consideration. Make sure your book title touches a nerve with your audience and promises them something they are dying for, so they can’t wait to buy it!
Get your free Bestseller Book-Title Formula Checklist at: www.booktitlesecrets.com